What is a war?

Here I am again Banging my drum. —— Nothing new here, So regular readers, move along If it’s novelty you seek. —— I’m triggered by the news On radio 4. That Britain’s not ready For war —— And that war hasn’t yet begun. I wonder what was said By that great Russian To the peopleContinueContinue reading “What is a war?”


The memories of which I speak, Are not the ones that live in my head. -There are plenty of those- But the ones that fill cupboards, And boxes, Nooks, And crannies…. —- Which I come across now and then. When putting away the laundry, Or looking for lost things. —— These are scribbles on paperContinueContinue reading “Memories”

Uncle Peter’s cutlery drawer.

I visited a few weeks before he died., A year after he was widowed. I didn’t understand the illness. ——— Addiction to morphine left him running for the toilet Whenever the dose was cut. ———- I was sent out to buy steak. I came back with a pie Which he barely touched, Nor the vegetables.ContinueContinue reading “Uncle Peter’s cutlery drawer.”

Plasticine World

I wrote this in early 2020. It was originally two pieces, 1st a rather fun poem, poking fun sympathetically at global inequality, and my place in the world, and it was well received by my handful of readers, but it was followed quickly by a supercilious rant, which I tried to make a 2nd verse.ContinueContinue reading “Plasticine World”

Tinned pears

How many wives make their own tinned pears, From pears grown on their husband’s tree? These were a triumph! But this the last jar. Had you been saving it, Or were they just lost beneath our bed? . None of that nasty grape juice here But proper sugar syrup, And strange foreign bodies Of someContinueContinue reading “Tinned pears”

Who is Millie?

This was my unnerving thought as I woke this morning. The 1st day after putting the clocks back for winter morning light. I was unnerved because I was remembering the name “Millie” with the warm affection usually reserved for my dear wife, companion of twenty years guardian of my healthy diet, my moral compass, and,ContinueContinue reading “Who is Millie?”

If you love me,

If you love yourself, or if you love anyone, listen to this and be shaken by it. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/m001r7jn?partner=uk.co.bbc&origin=share-mobile It is Roger Hallam, ex farmer and co founder of extinction rebellion, whom I’ve not heard of before speaking through Nick Robinson and radio 4. It is painful to hear two people using the same words toContinueContinue reading “If you love me,”


Back in December of 2019 just as we were first hearing of a new virus that you could get from eating bats in China, that obviously would never be a problem to us, the Schnark burst onto the internet amid a whirlwind of stillness with this introduction https://schnark.home.blog/2019/12/07/example-post/ I think it is time for theContinueContinue reading “Reintroduction”

It is what it is

Some one took me to task for saying this about my situation, the death of my beautiful life loving spouse, and my being far away and powerless to do what I would for her. And I realised I’d been using this expression a lot. I find it a social tool as the emotions seem tooContinueContinue reading “It is what it is”

The woman who melted

How many words are there for alive? She was all of these. And she was my world, my galaxy, my atmosphere. And now ’tis like being in a vacuum. I try to conjure her presence, I imagine her behind me, breathing on my neck. Breathing? She melted – so slowly and then all at once,ContinueContinue reading “The woman who melted”

Poem by James Fraser

What feeling I have in my heart, no one else has. It’s a warm feeling. No one can take away joy because it is alive in my heart. Like in church, you have a happiness, not a deadness. God says happiness is good. We’re all the same. We’re all one. We’re not two people. LikeContinueContinue reading “Poem by James Fraser”


Food that fights At first they seem innocuous,A small stand of light green stems and leavesUnder a newly planted plum.I welcome them as a source of spring healthiness and vigour. But despite regular cropping they become stronger,And Stronger.They fight like lowlanders at Culloden,Each defends his brother with a sideways thrust. Ouch.The pain continues as theyContinueContinue reading “Nettles”

Peace or War?

There seems to be a tiny window of doubt within our broadcast media within the wall to wall consensus of Russia bad/Ukraine good/America a well meaning passer by that just happens to have some long distance weapons to spare and an interest in Russia’s failure. Roger Waters has enough celebrity clout to get a mentionContinueContinue reading “Peace or War?”

The apples that fall in September

The apples that fall in August are better than those that fell in July. But the hair dryer wind that blew in July was enough to dry the best of those, And preserve them without any expense of power. In Penge we have spent many August evenings Meticulously cutting out the mess left behind ByContinueContinue reading “The apples that fall in September”

Nigger Nigger Pakky

It is too early to judge our new leader. I read she has a track record for changing her colours when it proves to be advantageous, and she has so far been courting the electorate of the paid up conservative party, so it is little wonder she has said nothing to please, or impress me.ContinueContinue reading “Nigger Nigger Pakky”

Crossing the estuary.

1978 Thames Estuary Chart This has become an obsession of mine, to say the least. The Thames Estuary is more of a concept, than an easily definable area that one could draw a line around on a map, it is most easily defined as where the river meets the sea, but since the river, andContinueContinue reading “Crossing the estuary.”

The wrong beach

I had been sitting on this groyne for over an hour, waiting for the tide to float my boat so that I could escape upwind within the narrow gap between the groynes, and hoping that some friendly soul would happen by and exchange the time of day; none had. I hadn’t intended to come here,ContinueContinue reading “The wrong beach”

This is the road to hell.

The fuel duty escalator was devised, or enacted 1st in 1993 by her Majesty’s Government in Britain which was led by John Major. The tax on fuel to Britain and Northern Irelands’ motoring public was set 3p in the pound above inflation and increased ultimately by Mr Blair to 6p This was not only aContinueContinue reading “This is the road to hell.”

Searching for a relevant parallel

“Molecular clock estimates, genetic studies and archaeological data all suggest the initial colonisation of Sahul and Australia by modern humans occurred around 48,000–50,000 years ago. Over the last few decades, a significant number of archaeological sites dated at more than 30,000 years old have been discovered. https://australian.museum › science When did modern humans get to Australia? -ContinueContinue reading “Searching for a relevant parallel”

The corpse’s protest.

Who are you? —— That put flowers on my grave? Did you love me? —— Did you care? Did I know you? ——- Could I trust you? Could you know —— I didn’t choose to be alone? Don’t you know —— I had a heart of stone? And you comment; What a pity ——- ThatContinueContinue reading “The corpse’s protest.”


Mr and Mrs Schnark have enjoyed a weeks holiday in South Wales, staying in a charming terraced cottage in the village of Crickhowell, that stands beside the River Usk between the Brecon Beacons and the Black Mountains. We enjoyed walks on nearby Sugar Loaf, and Table Mountain, which gave its Welsh name to the villageContinueContinue reading “Levelling”

Stone cold sober.

Mental illness has been in my thoughts of late, best I don’t say why, but it has always been a diagnosis that I am not prepared to take at face value. I believe it might be always the case that the fault lies not with the patient, but with the world in which they live.ContinueContinue reading “Stone cold sober.”

Deaths Peripheral to Sars Covid II

Deaths Peripheral to Sars Covid II** Introduction and explanation. I may have alluded before to my work in the funeral business. Throughout the uk epidemic part of the Covid pandemic we learned quickly about the illness that was causing such a stir. It was clear to me from the start that diagnosis was very iffy,ContinueContinue reading “Deaths Peripheral to Sars Covid II”

Deaths Peripheral to Sars Covid II No 1, The Track Worker.

Summary of R.A.I.B. finding. At around 10:52 hrs on Wednesday 8 April 2020, a passenger train, travelling at 90 mph (145 km/h), struck and fatally injured a track worker on the West Coast main line near the village of Roade, Northamptonshire. The accident happened because the track worker, who was the person in charge ofContinueContinue reading “Deaths Peripheral to Sars Covid II No 1, The Track Worker.”

A visit to Ardrishaig

The gate opens out of the last lock onto a small pool before the sea lock, A tiny idyll abound with wild flowers and skitting birds. Several startled swallows are rattled from their hidey-holes in the structure of the lock gate. The old canal wall curves around from our right to describe a circle, SlopingContinueContinue reading “A visit to Ardrishaig”

Christmas and the NHS

Salbutomol 100mcg 2x daily if required Beclamethazone 200mcg 1x daily, Calcium and Vitamin d3 600mg & 400IU, (10mcg) x2 twice daily. Alendronic Acid 70mg x1 once weekly. Folic acid 5mg once daily. Methotrexate 20mg injected once weekly, skip folic acid on this day. Tacrolimus 0.1% ointment once daily applied externally to affected areas as required.ContinueContinue reading “Christmas and the NHS”

Destiny in our hands

https://vimeo.com/ondemand/kisstheground Some time ago, I set myself up as a film reviewer, discussing Michael Moore’s unpopular film. https://schnark.home.blog/2020/05/05/planet-of-the-humans-hope-or-pragmatism/ I watched another film last night which seemed to pick up where Michael Moore’s left off. Moore calls out the lie that we will be saved by technology but this film tells very clearly that we canContinueContinue reading “Destiny in our hands”

Series Apocalypse

This blog is supposed to be about the end of the world, dinghy sailing, and other things. Other things seem to have taken over of late, mouse poems, cat poems and reflections on the mundane have held sway. I have been prophesying doom for many years, I remember years ago as I was sweating aboutContinueContinue reading “Series Apocalypse”

Is there life on Anne Ward?

Last night I went to St Thomas’ for a blood test. I was seen quickly by a good humoured phlebotomist, so as I left unhurriedly, I thought of my old dad up on the 9th floor who hasn’t been seen for weeks. It has suited me really to ignore him, to renounce all responsibility forContinueContinue reading “Is there life on Anne Ward?”

Fortune telling under the apple tree

Fortune telling under the apple tree. Down on the allotment, by Ravensbourne Brook, a mature apple tree flouts the height regulations.  I think two metres is the usual rule, mine is closer to six. Fortunately, our committee have better things to do, and anyway, the apple tree was here before any of us. My treeContinueContinue reading “Fortune telling under the apple tree”

The Battle of Ravensbourne Brook

  Beside my end of the allotments runs Ravensbourne Brook. I was taken aback when I got here tonight to see a silent dog fight in the sky between a crow and a heron. I fancy the heron was after eggs for his tea, the crows are amazing, they marked him constantly, and the heronContinueContinue reading “The Battle of Ravensbourne Brook”

Planet of the humans; Hope or pragmatism?

A beardy fellow I know, who is often seen in these parts out running in his yellow pyjamas, brought this film by Michael Moore to my attention. I watched it with my wife and we were both affected by it in different ways, we came to different conclusions. The next day I found this articleContinueContinue reading “Planet of the humans; Hope or pragmatism?”


I don’t know much about James, Only that his heart is not filled with cold cynicism like my own. His mind is uncomplicated and his spirit pure. He sees opportunity in the weariness of strangers. The pleasure of kindness. I am jealous of James. I don’t know if I can learn from James. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.oxfordmail.co.uk/news/18328363.kind-hearted-james-leaves-gifts-nhs-staff-battling-coronavirus-john-radcliffe/&ved=2ahUKEwjE3YevyrvoAhXMYcAKHaijC0wQFjAAegQICBAB&usg=AOvVaw2E-bjwudscyCwO9IqrwHYV IContinueContinue reading “James”

A month of stormy Sundays

The third weekend of “Wet Play” in a row. A challenge for someone “in his prime”, who is imprisoned at a desk through the week. The short days mostly passing by unseen, or unnoticed, Outside the office window.Let alone the poor postman bent on his Saturday morning round,And returning home sodden and exhausted.   IContinueContinue reading “A month of stormy Sundays”

Capsize report

Sailing clubs tend to hold their AGMs in the depth of January when conditions are considered least suitable for sailing. My last club was a dinghy racing club and although they race throughout most of the year including new years day, they accept that there should be a gap between the end of one seasonContinueContinue reading “Capsize report”

Sleeping with my mother’s mouse.

Mother didn’t see the mouse because of her cataracts Until he grew quite big. There is, of course, only ever one mouse. Tonight mother spotted him. He ran into my bed room, And under the bed. I sat quietly on the bed as mother was in the bathroom. The mouse ran out, into the hall,ContinueContinue reading “Sleeping with my mother’s mouse.”

The many singing lochs of Penge

Praise for I live in Penge close to the true Lake District as referenced in this article from the Independent from 2013. Neither of Norwood’s lakes is the singing loch of which I speak. My singing loch cannot compete with the ancient mythical status of Michael Graeme’s. I think he will agree with me thatContinueContinue reading “The many singing lochs of Penge”

“And one clear call for me”

“And one clear call for me!”  How I yearn for this call. A call to arms A call to action A call to war.  What is wrong with me that I can only imagine a call to fight.  A call to create? Too much has been created. Too much has been made. Too many busyContinueContinue reading ““And one clear call for me””

Short poem about death

From Alfred, Lord Tennyson Sunset and evening star,      And one clear call for me!And may there be no moaning of the bar,      When I put out to sea,    But such a tide as moving seems asleep,      Too full for sound and foam,When that which drew from out the boundless deep      Turns again home.    Twilight and evening bell,      And after thatContinueContinue reading “Short poem about death”

Political anonymity and the end of the world

Dear friends,I nail my colours to the mast.I am a tory, but I didn’t vote for them.Is this of interest.No.Not if you don’t know who I am, or have no interest in me.If I am political, I must be public.If I am intelligent but not political I should shut up. (no, really).It is no goodContinueContinue reading “Political anonymity and the end of the world”

The mouse who lives under my woodpile

Published after the Tory party were re elected with a shift to the right wing.  The mouse who lives under my wood pile Has an excellent healthy diet. He lives on Strawberries, Redcurrants and Mulberries. He finds all of these vitals, within easy reach of his cosy warm burrow.       If I everContinueContinue reading “The mouse who lives under my woodpile”

Reflections of the Schnark

The beginning   The fires this year in Brazil and Australia along with the failure of governments around the world to wipe their own bottoms allow me to conclude briefly and without ambiguity that humanity will self-destruct. Right, got that out of the way. I find pleasure in nature, in escape from crowds, in discoveringContinueContinue reading “Reflections of the Schnark”