What is a war?

Here I am again Banging my drum. —— Nothing new here, So regular readers, move along If it’s novelty you seek. —— I’m triggered by the news On radio 4. That Britain’s not ready For war —— And that war hasn’t yet begun. I wonder what was said By that great Russian To the peopleContinueContinue reading “What is a war?”

Uncle Peter’s cutlery drawer.

I visited a few weeks before he died., A year after he was widowed. I didn’t understand the illness. ——— Addiction to morphine left him running for the toilet Whenever the dose was cut. ———- I was sent out to buy steak. I came back with a pie Which he barely touched, Nor the vegetables.ContinueContinue reading “Uncle Peter’s cutlery drawer.”

Plasticine World

I wrote this in early 2020. It was originally two pieces, 1st a rather fun poem, poking fun sympathetically at global inequality, and my place in the world, and it was well received by my handful of readers, but it was followed quickly by a supercilious rant, which I tried to make a 2nd verse.ContinueContinue reading “Plasticine World”

Tinned pears

How many wives make their own tinned pears, From pears grown on their husband’s tree? These were a triumph! But this the last jar. Had you been saving it, Or were they just lost beneath our bed? . None of that nasty grape juice here But proper sugar syrup, And strange foreign bodies Of someContinueContinue reading “Tinned pears”

Poem by James Fraser

What feeling I have in my heart, no one else has. It’s a warm feeling. No one can take away joy because it is alive in my heart. Like in church, you have a happiness, not a deadness. God says happiness is good. We’re all the same. We’re all one. We’re not two people. LikeContinueContinue reading “Poem by James Fraser”


Food that fights At first they seem innocuous,A small stand of light green stems and leavesUnder a newly planted plum.I welcome them as a source of spring healthiness and vigour. But despite regular cropping they become stronger,And Stronger.They fight like lowlanders at Culloden,Each defends his brother with a sideways thrust. Ouch.The pain continues as theyContinueContinue reading “Nettles”

The corpse’s protest.

Who are you? —— That put flowers on my grave? Did you love me? —— Did you care? Did I know you? ——- Could I trust you? Could you know —— I didn’t choose to be alone? Don’t you know —— I had a heart of stone? And you comment; What a pity ——- ThatContinueContinue reading “The corpse’s protest.”


I don’t know much about James, Only that his heart is not filled with cold cynicism like my own. His mind is uncomplicated and his spirit pure. He sees opportunity in the weariness of strangers. The pleasure of kindness. I am jealous of James. I don’t know if I can learn from James. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.oxfordmail.co.uk/news/18328363.kind-hearted-james-leaves-gifts-nhs-staff-battling-coronavirus-john-radcliffe/&ved=2ahUKEwjE3YevyrvoAhXMYcAKHaijC0wQFjAAegQICBAB&usg=AOvVaw2E-bjwudscyCwO9IqrwHYV IContinueContinue reading “James”

A month of stormy Sundays

The third weekend of “Wet Play” in a row. A challenge for someone “in his prime”, who is imprisoned at a desk through the week. The short days mostly passing by unseen, or unnoticed, Outside the office window.Let alone the poor postman bent on his Saturday morning round,And returning home sodden and exhausted.   IContinueContinue reading “A month of stormy Sundays”

“And one clear call for me”

“And one clear call for me!”  How I yearn for this call. A call to arms A call to action A call to war.  What is wrong with me that I can only imagine a call to fight.  A call to create? Too much has been created. Too much has been made. Too many busyContinueContinue reading ““And one clear call for me””

Political anonymity and the end of the world

Dear friends,I nail my colours to the mast.I am a tory, but I didn’t vote for them.Is this of interest.No.Not if you don’t know who I am, or have no interest in me.If I am political, I must be public.If I am intelligent but not political I should shut up. (no, really).It is no goodContinueContinue reading “Political anonymity and the end of the world”